
The royal level of life - inner peace

 The royal level of life.....

All of us move on in life controlled by our personal self's impulses, it controls our response to various situations, wether to choose peace or conflict. In a way we often let others control the level of our emotional response, but logically it shouldn't be so. If in every situation you can see the outcome based on facts that you know (truth) instead of what you want to believe or hope for (untruth). You will realize that you always have a choice in your own life but sometimes you make mistakes in identifying your options which leads you to the mistaken conclusion that you had no choice. 

At some point in your life you might reach a level of inner peace that's called the royal level, it's when you see truth vs untruth. You would know that truth is, it doesn't need your awareness of it to be, and its not the nature of truth to oppose because it has nothing to defend. Does it make sense that truth would work with what you believe or against it?  

When you get to this point, you will find that you don't have to get into many arguments or discussions, a lot will not be of concern to you, you will favor inner peace over inner conflict. And if you do get into an argument you won't try to prove to the other person that he's wrong, the fact that he's wrong needs no justification (truth). If someone is lying to you, you will not expose his lies for what it is, you will just sit back and enjoy watching him make an effort to get you to believe a lie when you already know the truth. You will realize that you can't change the universe in one argument, the ignorant will remain an ignorant no matter his education because he chose to be so.

You will know that life goes on wether you wanted to move along with it or stand still in mourning, anger, frustration, disappointment, worry or sadness (truth). Anything that hinders your forward progress will only occupy a little of your time because you know that life will not wait for you until you are ready to move forward (truth). Your response to sadness and happiness will not be extreme, yes you will feel sad or happy from time to time but it won't be an event that marks the end of life as you know it or the beginning of your new and better life because you will know for a fact that nothing is for forever (truth), the sadness of today could turn into happiness in the near future and the happiness could be the beginning of new sadness, the only constant in life is loss (truth).

Inner peace and contentment..... 

You will no longer cling to pleasure or resist pain because you realized they will both pass (truth), you fully enjoy the pleasure as long as it lasts and wait for the pain to take its course and pass. The peace that you have with you will give you a confidence that makes you feel that you can do anything to which you put your mind. Your thought system will take full advantage of this feeling, it will fill your mind with countless possibilities of what you can do or have. You will experience a great depth of creativity and a sense of inner resources to pursue anything that you choose.

At this level you will reach some type of control over your personal self and an inner peace that will make you feel that you are the king of your own life, aware of every detail in it and truth is your guide. You perceive the universe as a classroom where you learn over and over to let go of untruth in all of its forms and to remember that truth is reality. You will realize that your personal self and it's world are ideas in your mind, you will watch their stories unfold without attachment and with an open mind, sometimes you will get involved in them but you realize that this doesn't change truth so getting involved will be some sort of an entertainment to you.

You will have patience where you had none because if you were right in your conclusions, its another step in your pursuit of truth and if you were wrong, it will be an exciting experience that you will enjoy immensely. You will feel whole, content and at peace. Extending love will happen automatically for you, you are secure and giving but not because its right or good to be giving nor are you giving to get or defend anything. Giving is simply the natural expression of knowing that you have everything you need to be content and its limitless because it comes from inside you. 

You will realize that happiness is not attained through richness. Wearing a 300$ watch or a 3000$ one will give you the exact same time, owning a 30$ wallet or a 300$ one won't change how much money you have in it, booking a seat in first class or economic class will not make a difference in the time you need to reach your destination and living in a 300 acres house or 3000 acres won't make you less lonely. Your perspective will shift drastically and so will your definition of happiness, your happiness will not be centered around someone or something instead it will come from inside you. You will rediscover life and find pleasure in the little things you used to miss in your previous world of untruth.

I don't mean that we should avoid arguments entirely, when you know the truth before getting into an argument, you will know for a fact that arguing about it won't change it so you won't have anything to prove because truth needs no proof, which will lead you to the state of total peace inside with no pressure, you might argue on the outside for fun or because you want to test others awareness of the truth that you can see clearly, sometimes they stay blind to it even when you point it out and demonstrate it to them. It's an amazing and fun theory to test and it turns your arguments into entertainment instead of conflict. At some point you would be looking forward to arguing with someone that is different, that is close to having the awareness and perception of truth, with an a open mind or with the potential of having an open mind.

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